Documentary | 80 minutes
(Work in progress)
The documentary Refugees takes a look at an urgent topic for Brazil and the world today: the drama of people who leave their countries of origin in search of better living conditions.
The film will tell the stories of four Venezuelan women who, due to the harsh economic and political crisis in their home country, have migrated to Brazil often leaving behind their children, lovers, friends, family, work and careers, bringing with them only the hope for an uncertain future that may be across the border.
The town of Pacaraima is their first arrival place, a tiny city on the most remote and troubled border of Brazil. With the influx of Venezuelan immigrants, it is now the fastest growing municipality in the country. It is also, therefore, the home, temporary or permanent, of hundreds of refugees in search of better living conditions, whose daily life and conflicts, which the film intends to portray. After all, what is the experience of leaving your home and living as a refugee in another country?
Sales Agent:
Pedro Novaes | Sertão Films